What are you Reading?
I think it’s safe to say that a forest worth of paper has been wasted over the years in the form of unopened instruction manuals, and unread assembly instructions. Assembly Instructions? ‘How To’ Manuals? Almost as a rite of passage into manhood we have been conditioned to figure it out, learn as we go, solve it ourselves. Asking for directions or reading the manual is like a show of weakness.
But I think it’s true for all of us that one area that we already ‘read’ or ‘study’ – is in our professions. Whether we’re a ditch digger, a farmer, or a doctor, if we’re not constantly learning, we aren’t going to get better at our career, and before long we’re going to be marginalized, stuck, or unemployed. And this learning takes the form of reading, study, and learning from others who are more knowledgeable.
But what about our Marriages? Are we ‘figuring it out’ as we go – like putting together a bike, or are we studying – like it’s super important and we can’t afford to screw it up?