7 Days of Love Challenge

I know it’s not Valentine’s Day, yet, but it’s been long enough that unless you’re the rare husband who is constantly romancing his wife (if you are that rare husband, please let me know, because I have a LOT of questions for you), it’s time for another reminder.

I found this article on All Pro Dad (have I mentioned that before?) and although it’s scheduled for Valentine’s Day, anytime can be Valentine’s Day if your heart is in it.

Here’s a 7 Day Challenge for You!!!  7 Little things you can do – 1 each day – that demonstrates Love for your Wife.  Are you up for it?


Day 1: Purchase her favorite candy and give it to her with a note sharing one of your favorite moments with her.

Day 2: Spell out her name; for each letter, find an adjective to describe her, your love for her, or why you love her. Hand write it on a piece of paper, a card, or something else. If you really want her to be touched, get one of your children to embellish the note.

Day 3: Find pictures of you together that represent specific moments and memories you’ve spent together. Create a collage in the shape of a heart or just give her the pictures one by one and explain why you like them.

Day 4: Use technology to make her feel special throughout the day by sending love notes, pictures of you, or anything that she’ll like to see.

Day 5: Cook for her. Cook breakfast, prepare her lunch, and/or cook dinner for her. Let her sit back, relax, and be served by you and the kids if they’re there.

Day 6: Read to her. Find some time alone, and pull out a marriage book or the Song of Solomon in the Bible and read to her lying next to you.

Day 7: Pamper her, or allow her to use a love well coupon for wives. Give her a back or foot massage. Fix a nice bubble bath for her, with candles, and allow her to take as long as she wants.


Here’s a link to the complete article on All Pro Dad: 7 Days of Love Challenge.



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